Sustainable and Profitable Restaurant Solutions.

Industry-leading restaurant consultants who help food service professionals create strategies that lead to profitable results.

A salad dressing drizzling off of a silver spoon onto gently curated salad of vegetables and a slice of chicken
Chefs working together seasoning and tasting food as they prepare a 4 plates of food
A chefs hands dicing mushrooms on a cutting board
A Chef flambaying a in a frying pan on a stove
Man cutting carrots in a rustic kitchen

Restaurant Consulting Services

A company or restaurant that creates efficiencies in the food service industry by Designing 1 to 3-year business plans and direct technology usage in daily operations.

We navigate a food service system human Resources by:

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Tracking Time-Keeping

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Awareness Of Employment Laws

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Lower The Risk Of Potential Liabilities

We create sustainable business plans for a better outcome.

Who We Serve


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Commodity Boards

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We help you stand out in the competitive culinary industry using real-world hands-on experience and approaches.

A young girl standing in front of a graffiti wall wearing a star apron
A chef checking her sauces viscosity to make sure it's the right consistency overlayed by a chocolate dessert

5 Key Characteristics of Success

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A longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction, enjoyment, passion, or belief in what you do.

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Capable of being easily taught and trained to do something better.

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The ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.

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An activity, exercise, or regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.

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The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

Cost-Effective and Profitable Results

Top-notch industry-leading restaurant consultants with years of expertise who collaborate with food service professionals to create strategies that lead to profitable results.

Ali Gonzalez

Selection of Services & Offerings

We use our years of expertise to collaborate with food service professionals like you to create strategies that lead to profitable results.

A covered dish in a map pin

New Restaurant Start-ups And Operations

  • Startup Services - Planning & Development
  • Digital marketing platform
  • New technology development
  • Brand design & development
  • Concept development & innovation
Chef Hat

Training & Development

  • Operation Team Building
  • Culinary Development Courses
  • Front of House Development
  • Health & Wellness - plant base and vegetarian
  • Sustainability & Food Ethics
  • Hospitality Management - Putting Principles into Practice
Hand holding a covered dish

Restaurant & Food Service Operations

  • Operation Auditing & Structure
  • Menu Development
  • Team Cultivating
  • Sales & Procurement Optimization
  • Restaurant & Food Trends - Shaping the Future of the Industry
  • Turnarounds
A leaf circled by 3 arrows

Special Restaurant Services

  • Human Resource Optimization
  • Takeout & Delivery Organization & Development
  • Procurement Auditing and Contract Negotiation
  • Sustainable Restaurant Practices

Recommended Vendors

In The Media

An Experience With Chef Ali


Customer at Ledges Restaurant at The White Mountain Hotel

Chef Ali Gonzalez is AMAZiNG; Anthony Bourdain (RIP), eat your heart out!!! We've dined extensively, including abroad. Best restaurant in NH---LIKELY!!! Lexi's service is stellar. Restaurant is GF/GFM accommodating. Ledges is truly NOT to be missed!!! Chef's specials are creative, sustainable, and frankly, incredibly delicious!

Latest Trends

Culinary Excellence

Ali A Gonzalez Seal of Recognition for Outstanding Leadership Award at the Food 2.0 Conference

We share topics ranging from world cuisines and cooking trends to the latest in wellness, sustainability, and food ethics.

Steven Pecoraro

Culinart West Coast Division President

"I had the honor of working with Ali Gonzalez in excess of ten years. His culinary skills are unprecedented. From menu development to food presentation, Ali never failed to excite or impress our guests. His ability to think outside of the box and bring innovative ideas to the forefront allowed our company to grow and achieve recognition. His food concepts excited and stimulated the palate of our guests. His verbal presentations of menu creations allowed us to see his passion for not only the food but his art. I watched many sales presentations where clients were hypnotized not only by the flavor of the food but how Ali presented verbally.

After listening to Ali, one knew he was a gifted culinarian.

Not only was he able to create menus with flair, but his detailed knowledge for every aspect of foodservice continued to amaze us. From gathering blueprints from architects where he created efficiencies and changes saving our clients thousands of dollars to his marketing and sustainability ideas offering a focus forward "go to market" approach to his ability to customize a dinner for five to five thousand, Ali has done it all.

I was privileged to work alongside such a gifted individual."